concepts and mood test
and 2D game sprites for the limited animation
character concepts & game sprites
concepts for the limited 2D game animation
character concepts & 2d game sprites
A few years ago, I was invited by the Beautiful Glitch to help establish the visual direction of the potential new IP. I am a big fan of how the Monster Prom game series looks, and I adore their sense of abstract and sometimes dark humor, so I was thrilled to hear that They wanted me to gravitate around that vibe. Not to copy it, but proposing my own take on their odd Fantastic Creatures TV Show. Let me introduce to you some A few years ago, I was invited by the Beautiful Glitch to help establish the visual direction of the potential new IP. I am a big fan of how the Monster Prom game series looks, and I adore their sense of abstract and sometimes dark humor, so I was thrilled to hear that They wanted me to gravitate around that vibe. Not to copy it, but proposing my take on their odd Fantastic Creatures TV Show. Let me introduce to you some of my designs of a potential new IP! 💛